I've been super tired the past few days. From November to February, I had a lingering virus that was hard to kick until my family also came down with the flu. I never tested positive, but I felt it all. Once that was done, I really started to feel better. and then BAM, here comes another mystery cold with micro fevers and sinus yuck. I also can't seem to make myself rest, so that's interfering with my recovery for sure.
What did I add?
- Turned my plain icons into ones that change on hover
- Moved my links to a page. Now I have an empty area to fill with cute stuff.
What did I learn?
- There are lots of ways to do hover icons and not all of them are pretty. The most effective way for me was to make the actual image a transparent gif and change the background on hover.
- I can run my scripts right from visual studio instead of hopping over into the osx terminal. I want to set these up as tasks that I can run really quickly from the command palette but not seeing how to do it yet.
What's next?
- Set up custom tasks in visual studio.
- Update my Links icon to hover
- Find something to put in the empty links section.
I made this post using my node script and snippets. I really want to do something cute with my links page using an array, but I'm not exactly in the mood to fight with chatGPT at the moment. I think it would be really cute to use the favicon for each link like a program icon.